Real Analysis1 Final Exam - Dr Hatam - Amirkabir University - 1389/10/14
Exam Name : Real Analysis1
MSC Final Exam
Amirkabir University of Tehran
first Term of 1389-90
Date: 1389/10/14
Dr Ali Hatam
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Over all the following questions and
are positive mesases on
in a set X.
1. Show that if is infinite, then
is uncountable.
2. If for
, apply the Fubini's Theorem 8.8 to deduce
3. Let X be a topological space and be a family of lower semicontinuous function on X. Show that the function
is also lower semicontinuous.
4. For define
. Prove that d is a metric on
.(Hint: Use decreasing function
5. Let be a measurable function, if
, set
, use Theorem 3.3 to prove that:
6. Prove that is
-finite if and only if there exists a positive function
7. If , then show that ,
(a) holds for every
(b) If is finite measure then
(c) If is finite measure and if
, then
8. Let L be a nonzero continuous linear functional on H and . Prove that
is a vector space of dimension 1. (Hint: Use Theorem 4.11)
9. Let be a linear operator defined by
. Show that T is bounded and
. (Hint: Use function f=1 to obtain that
10. If and
are finite measures and
holds for every measurable set
and if
, then prove that there exists a unique measurable
with respect to
such that
. (Hint: Define linear functional
on Hilbert space
and use both theorems 1.40 and 4.12)
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Good luck ♠