Real Analysis Final MSc. Exam 1386-10-25 Dr H.R.E.Vishki
Real Analysis
Final MSc. Exam
Department of MathematicsFerdowsiUniversity of Mashhad
Dr H.R.E.Vishki
1. State carefully the following theorems :
i. Radon-Nikodym theorem.
ii. Riesz representation theorem for , Hilbert space.
2. Show that every finite dimensional normed space is banach.
3. Let X be a locally compact Hausdorff space and . show that :
A is bounded if and only if for each is bounded . ( Hint : Use the uniform boundedness theorem.)
4. Let X and Y be banach space and . Show that :
is closed in Y if and only if there exists
such that
, for all
5. Show that everynon-zero Hilbert space is isometrically isomorphic to for some non-empty set I .Under what condition I is countable?